WordPress GDPR

Le prix initial était : $29.00.Le prix actuel est : $19.00.

Nous avons compilé le meilleur plugin WordPress GDPR de tous.
Ne vous fiez pas à plusieurs plugins – obtenez l’Ultimate One. Rendre votre site Web conforme au GDPR n’est pas difficile du tout. Avec des plugins WordPress incroyables comme notre plugin GDPR soigneusement conçu, votre site Web peut maintenant devenir entièrement conforme au GDPR.

View Demo


Avec la nouvelle loi GDPR en vigueur en Europe, les entreprises cherchent maintenant à rendre leur site web conforme au GDPR et devinez quoi ; nous sommes entrés dans le jeu pour nous assurer que le rêve de toute entreprise de rendre son site web conforme au GDPR est réalisé sans aucun problème

The thing is, making your website GDPR complaint isn’t difficult at all. With our carefully designed plugin which works flawlessly on WordPress, making your website GDPR compliant is a stroll in the park.If you’re still wondering what our fantastic plugin is capable of, you won’t go wrong to read on as this post is carefully designed to give you all the information on the plugin you need to make your website GDPR compliant.

gdpr cookie popup

Consentement aux cookies dans les popups

Nous ne savons pas pour vous, mais les popups de cookies peuvent être très ennuyeux, surtout lorsque vous avez vraiment besoin d’informations urgentes de la plus haute importance Ne vous inquiétez pas, avec le plugin GDPR, avant qu’un cookie ne soit stocké sur votre site Web, vos utilisateurs doivent accepter ces cookies ; cela rend votre site Web conforme au GDPR et à l’abri des sourcils des autorités

Voir la démo

Contrôle des cookies

Au lieu d’accepter tous les services de cookies de suivi ou aucun, vous pouvez montrer à vos utilisateurs un centre de contrôle unique des services de cookies Tous les services de suivi, tels que l’analyse, le marketing, les services nécessaires et autres, peuvent y être affichés, activés ou désactivés en toute simplicité

Cela permet à vos utilisateurs d’autoriser individuellement les données qu’ils veulent donner et celles qu’ils veulent bloquer

Voir la démo
GDPR Cookie Services Settings
gdpr privcacy center

Centre de confidentialité du GDPR

Nous ne savons pas pour vous, mais les popups de cookies peuvent être très ennuyeux, surtout lorsque vous avez vraiment besoin d’informations urgentes de la plus haute importance Ne vous inquiétez pas, avec le plugin GDPR, avant qu’un cookie ne soit stocké sur votre site Web, vos utilisateurs doivent accepter ces cookies ; cela rend votre site Web conforme au GDPR et à l’abri des sourcils des autorités

Voir la démo


Notre plugin prend en charge plusieurs plugins tiers et services de suivi par défaut Il suffit d’activer les intégrations dans les paramètres du plugin ou de créer les services correspondants :

  • Google Analytics, Tag Manager & Ads
  • Pixel Facebook
  • WooCommerce
  • Pixelisez votre site
  • WPML
  • Formulaire de contact 7
  • et plus
gdpr integrations
forget me request


Si tous les utilisateurs ne souhaitent pas effacer leurs données sur leur site web, il arrive un moment où cela devient tout à fait nécessaire La bonne nouvelle est que, avec le GDPR à la rescousse, vous pouvez donner à vos utilisateurs la possibilité de se débarrasser de leurs données sur leur site Web Et cela, ils peuvent le faire en un seul clic de souris et avec notre passionnant plugin qui est uniquement conçu à cet effet

Voir la démo

Notifications de violation de données

Bien sûr, la sécurité est primordiale lorsque les utilisateurs naviguent sur votre site Web Mais parfois, votre sécurité peut être compromise À cette fin, pour protéger les données de vos utilisateurs, il serait judicieux d’installer notre tout excitant plugin GDPR Avec ce plugin installé, vos utilisateurs seront informés d’une éventuelle violation de données, n’est-ce pas génial

Voir la démo de l'administrateur
send data breach
contact dpo

Contacter le DPD

There are lots of things our GDPR plugin is capable of. One of them is that it allows you to add a contact DPO. This provides a form to collect other data related questions. Once filled, this form can be easily exported to your Data Privacy Officer.

Voir la démo

Désabonnement à la newsletter

Parfois, il peut être très ennuyeux de ne pas pouvoir se désabonner d’une newsletter qui ne vous intéresse plus, cependant, avec le plugin GDPR, vous n’avez absolument rien à craindre car ce plugin permet à vos utilisateurs de ne pas recevoir de newsletter à l’avenir Si vous voulez rendre votre site Web conforme à la GDPR en permettant facilement à vos utilisateurs de se désabonner d’une newsletter injustifiée, votre meilleure chance est d’installer notre plugin GDPR qui est en train de devenir la coqueluche du moment

Newsletter unsubscribe

Demande d’archives de données

Notre plugin GDPR est une bouffée d’air frais car il permet aux entreprises d’envoyer facilement par mail les archives de données de tous leurs utilisateurs Et vous savez quoi Cela peut être fait sur demande ou manuellement

Voir la démo


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Comment puis-je modifier les textes GDPR / traduire ?

Si vous souhaitez traduire ou modifier des textes qui ne sont pas disponibles dans les paramètres du plugin, vous pouvez utiliser Loco Translate. Installer Loco Translate Allez dans Loco Translate > Plugins Cliquez sur WordPress GDPR Créer une...

Comment fonctionne le consentement à l'utilisation de cookies ?

Par défaut, notre plugin bloque et supprime tous les cookies JUSQU'À ce que l'utilisateur ait cliqué sur le bouton "J'accepte" dans la fenêtre contextuelle sur les cookies (donne son consentement).Ensuite, dans les paramètres de...

Puis-je réorganiser / créer une page de centre de confidentialité personnalisée ?

Si vous souhaitez réorganiser les éléments de la page du centre de confidentialité ou créer une page personnalisée, deux options s'offrent à vous : N'utilisez pas le code court et créez votre propre page de centre de confidentialité(par...

WordPress 4.9.6 et GDPR - Ai-je encore besoin d'un plugin ?

Avec WordPress 4.9.6 de nouvelles fonctionnalités ont été introduites, notamment en ce qui concerne le GDPR.En détail, il y a trois nouveautés :Définir une page de confidentialité dans WordPressSous Paramètres > Confidentialité, vous...

La case à cocher "confidentialité" de WooCommerce ne s'affiche pas ?

Si vous utilisez au moins WooCommerce 3.4 Version vous devez définir votre page de paramètres de confidentialité dans WooCommerce Settings > Accounts & Privacy > Privacy Page.En dessous de la version 3 de WooCommerce.4 Version?Si la case...

Les éléments du GDPR ne sont pas centrés ?

Déclassé après la version 1.5. Les éléments ne sont pas toujours centrés correctement lorsque l'on utilise la fonction Border-Box Sizing.Si vos éléments GDPR ne sont pas centrés, veuillez ajouter le CSS personnalisé suivant...

Comment transformer les liens popup en boutons ?

Déclassé après la version 1.5. Les boutons d'accord et de refus sont désormais standard sur 1.5.Si vous souhaitez utiliser des boutons au lieu de liens, vous pouvez utiliser le CSS personnalisé suivant :.wordpress-gdpr-popup-actions...

Les cookies s'affichent toujours bien qu'ils n'aient pas été acceptés ?

Si des cookies sont toujours affichés alors qu'aucun consentement n'a été donné, vérifiez les points suivants : Vous n'êtes pas connecté en tant qu'administrateur (tous les cookies sont autorisés pour les administrateurs) Assurez-vous...

Proposez-vous la pseudonymisation ?

La pseudonymisation n'est pas obligatoire en vertu du GDPR. Il s'agit peut-être d'une bonne amélioration, mais elle peut également entraîner une perte de données.We do not offer aPseudonymization feature, because we do not want to be...

Liste blanche de cookies - Quels sont les cookies autorisés ? Comment puis-je en ajouter d'autres ?

Déclassé après la version 1.5. Les cookies doivent être placés dans nos nouveaux services GDPR.Si vous avez activé l'utilisation de la liste blanche de cookies et que l'utilisateur l'accepte, tous les cookies figurant sur la liste blanche...

Comment bloquer les cookies iFrame de Youtube ?

Pour bloquer les cookies provenant de pages intégrées à une iFrame, comme YouTube, vous devez vérifier les paramètres d'intégration de ces pages.Sur Youtube, il existe une option permettant d'activer les options avancées de...

Appels AJAX lents ?

La lenteur des appels AJAX de WP Admin peut être causée par de nombreux facteurs et il est difficile de les déboguer. Mais voici quelques indications : Emplacement du test Emplacement du serveur (latence trop élevée) Performance du serveur...

Puis-je ouvrir les paramètres de confidentialité avec un lien personnalisé ?

Si vous souhaitez ouvrir la fenêtre contextuelle des paramètres de confidentialité avec un lien ou un bouton personnalisé, vous devez ajouter la classe CSS suivante :wordpress-gdpr-open-privacy-settings-modalUn exemple :Ouvrir les paramètres...

Des cases vides dans le centre de protection de la vie privée du GDPR ?

S'il y a des cases vides ou si la mise en page n'est pas alignée, veuillez ajouter le CSS personnalisé suivant :.wordpress-gdpr-privacy-center p { display: none;}.wordpress-gdpr-privacy-center p.wordpress-gdpr-privacy-center-item-desc { ...


# Changelog
- FIX:	XSS protection issue

- FIX:	WPML issue in privacy settings popup
- FIX:	PHP Notice
- FIX:	JS notice
- FIX:	PHP 8.2 support
- FIX:	PErformance issue when using data rentention option
- FIX:	Added NO, IS and LI countries to EU list
- FIX:	Only save preferences not affecting popup to open again

- NEW:	Made consent mode V2 optional

- NEW:	Google Consent mode 2 Compliance
- NEW:	All services are sent to Tag Manger dataLayer
- NEW:	Consents are set
- NEW:	Set a version to change

- NEW:	Replaced Invisible Recaptcha Integration with Captcha By BestWebForms
- FIX:	Font awesome 5 media credits icon not showing
- FIX:	Moved invisible Recaptcha integration to expert as "deprecated"

- NEW:	Save privacy Settings
- FIX:	Privacy settings backdrop not clickable
- FIX:	Accesibility errors

- NEW:	Export guest user consent logs
- NEW:	Added class "wordpress-gdpr-popup-privacy-settings-service-category-active"
		when clicked on service category in popup
- FIX:	PHP notice

- FIX:	Caching plugin caused nonce issue

- NEW:	Consent log for logged out users by masekd IP
		You may need to disable & activate our plugin again
		to create the table

- FIX:	Only EU Visitors Popup not working

- NEW:	Added an editor field for the terms & conditions on each form text
- NEW: 	Added an option to disable the terms & conditions check
- FIX:	XSS security issue

- NEW:	Support for TTDSG law
- NEW:	Button background color is now black for
		all button types (accept / decline)

- NEW:	Disable Privacy Settings Backdrop Click
- NEW:	Popup close icon empty by default

- FIX:	WPML Keys updated

- FIX:	Decline button had privacy center trigger class

- NEW:	Added bulgarian language
- FIX:	Popup showing except setting change

- FIX:	Cookie popup not showed when next page opened
- FIX:	Updated translation files

- NEW:	own text fields for popup accept / decline all services
- FIX:	Moved all styles into footer

- FIX:	Overlay cookie height
- FIX:	Local storage loading

- NEW:	Backdrop for full width cookie popup

- NEW:	Performance improvements by using users local storage (this will get rid of all AJAX calls except the first one)
- FIX:	Privacy settings not saved when enabled by default and only one service applied

- NEW:	Added WooCommerce Kadence Email customizer support

- FIX:	Caching issue

- NEW:	Manage my Preferences button in popup
		This will be now the default behaviour

- FIX:	License & update manager completly in weLaunch Framework

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards
- FIX:	PHP 5.6 support

- NEW:	Performance (AJAX only performed once now / HTML not generated every time)
- NEW:	Trigger is now disabled by default
- FIX:	Alt tag missing in cookie settings
- FIX:	New cookie popup style mobile bug

- NEW:	New Cookie popup style: Full width buttons right
- NEW:	When close icon empty in popup settings it will not display
- NEW:	Added white space normal CSS for Uncode theme support

- FIX:	First time allow all cookies did not allow declining single services afterwards

- FIX:	Body script not loaded when service was set to enable by default

- NEW:	Usability improvements (switched buttons and colors)

- FIX:	Pages not selectable in admin panel

- NEW:	Performance increase in admin panel through AJAX loading

- NEW:	WPML suppress filters
- NEW:	Improved admin panel
- FIX:	Updated Bot Regular expression to avoid cumultative layout shift issue

- NEW:	Renamed GDPR Users to Consent Log
- NEW:	Moved consent log to GDPR menu as subitem

- FIX:	Transient clear when plugin activated
- FIX:	Get posts instead of get pages function
- FIX:	Popup issue when oriental smarthpoen & close icon issue CSS fix
- FIX:	Transient cleared when new page created / pages installed

- NEW:	Improved Plugin page speed significantly
- FIX:	Compatible with latest WP and Woo

- FIX:	Mobile privacy settings improvements

- FIX:	Acceptance text fix

- FIX:	Added terms acceptance string to translations
- FIX:	Updated POT file

- FIX:	Added alt tag to GDPR popup logo image
- FIX:	setcookie() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given 

- FIX:	GEO Ip service issue

- FIX:	Font Awesome 5.8.1 Privacy Policy Icon

- FIX:	Upgraded font awesome to 5.8.1
- FIX:	Replaced font awesome "external-link" with "external-link-alt"
- FIX:	Removed the option to disable a service by default, because all
		services are disabled by default
- FIX:	Enabled by default has overwritten

- NEW:	Refreshing page does not allow all cookies when using
		the Allow all Cookies for users continue visiting your site function

- FIX:	More checks for JS get_current_page_id function

- FIX:	Removed depr console log
- FIX:	Added a exist check to get_current_page_id function in JS

- NEW:	For each service you can enable or disable it by default

- NEW:	Allow all cookies when user continues website
		General > Allow all Cookies for users continue visiting your site

- FIX:	Duplicate tags when first time allowed and user clicked on accept all

- FIX:	DMCA page missing from WPML keys

- NEW:	Font Awesome 5 Support (see general options)
- NEW:	Improved the Live Checkbox Service Loading process
- FIX:	Switching a checkbox in privacy settings
		still opens up the cookie popup on next page

- NEW:	Privacy Policy acceptance saved to auto enable checkbox on
		Buddypress, Review and Comment forms
- NEW:	AJAX saving privcay policy accept on comment form and live alert if not checked

- FIX:	Data Rectification Page not in WPML keys

- NEW:	Better notification when no services / service categories have been created

- FIX:	!!Important!! Replaced geoip service with https://ip.nf/me.jso
- FIX:	Undefinied index action in admin.php

- NEW:	Allow First time Cookies now keeps the popup beeing displayed
		All services gets loaded and activated
- FIX:	Removed Target Blank from Privacy Settings Popup
- FIX:	Wrong links in the privacy center if shortcode & popup enabled
- FIX:	Updated POT File

- NEW:	Gravity Forms now also do not store the IP
- FIX:	Flamingo DB integration deprecated, version 5.0.3 adds a new option
		for consent storage, please see here: https://www.welaunch.io/wordpress-gdpr/documentation/faq/cf7/

- FIX:	Performance increase by 300%

- FIX:	Privacy popup / shortcode not selectable in backend options

- NEW:	Brought back the [[wordpress_gdpr_privacy_settings]] shortcode
		See settings > Privacy Settings > Use shortcode

- FIX:	Responsive CSS options
- FIX:	Services not set when privacy settings disabled
- FIX:	Options panel setting parameters

- FIX:	Performance Improvements
- FIX:	Undefined offset in admin class

- FIX:	Polylang support fot ctp & taxonomies
- FIX:	Undefined Offset 5 in Admin Class

- FIX:	Data Rectification could not be sent when Use Wp Core function activated
- FIX:	PHP Notice in admin file

- FIX:	Performance caching
- FIX:	WPML Issue

- FIX:	Performance Increase for AJAX calls for sites with many pages

- FIX:	Service Categories order by Filter Query
- FIX:	Updated SV & FR Translations

- FIX:	Duplicate scripts when User outside of EU & IP Setting enabled

- FIX:	Comment submit button removed when comments integration disabled
- FIX:	Service categories not reorderable

- NEW:	Cookie Whitelist for removal only allowed cookies (see expert > Cookie Whitelist)
- NEW:	Video About GDPR Services:
- FIX:	Service Category term order only affect service category taxonomy

- FIX:	PHP Notice when cookies array empty
- FIX:	First time cookie allowance not working for Pixelyoursite

- NEW:	Added multiple necessary cookies to default check
- FIX:	Privacy settings not shoing when cookie popup disabled

- NEW:	Updated Video containing all Features:
- FIX:	Exclude Pages for Cookie Popup not working
- FIX:	Removed Privacy Settings from Center if disabled
- FIX:	Brought back the Users menu

- FIX:	Service Button Colors were revised versa
- FIX:	Updated POT file

- NEW:	Styling Options:
		- Cookie Popup Accept Link & Background Color
		- Cookie Popup Decline Link & Background Color
		- Privacy Settings Agree Link & Background Color
		- Privacy Settings Decline Link & Background Color
- NEW:	Moved all Backend Menus (like Settings, Requests & Services) into ONE "GDPR"-Menu
- NEW:	Option to show Cookie Policy, Privacy Policy and Privacy Center in Privacy Settings Menu
- NEW:	After Clicking Accept / Decline all Services, Privacy Settings Modal will Close
- FIX:	Links in Cookie Popup now displayed inline
- FIX:	Removed the Border Radius from Buttons by Default 

- FIX:	Important Cookie Service Management update
- FIX:	Updated GR Translations
		Thanks to Thomas Davliakos
- FIX:	Updated ES Translations
		Thanks to Henry Alcaly

- FIX:	Fix one bug, bigger bug pops up ... 
- FIX:	Checkboxes style does not get overwritten by themes

- NEW:	When no service categories / services created popup does not work
		Either remove Trigger & Disable popup OR create services
- FIX:	Added Quform to Service Migration (Button)
- FIX:	Quform cookie could not be set

- FIX:	JS Issue 
- FIX:	PHP Notices when no services created

- NEW:	Interactive Privacy Settings Modal 
		!! Important !!
		Watch the following Video for new features & how to migrate:
		Quick Migration:
		1. Update Plugin
		2. Go to Settings > General > Click on Migrate Services
		3. Check Migrated Services
		!! Important !!
- NEW:	Migrate old Integrations to GDPR Services
- NEW:	Own GDPR Services Post type
		- Service Name (e.g. Analytics)
		- Description (e.g. Reason)
		- Code for Head and Body
		- Code for Head and Body
- NEW:	Added template content for Pages when clicking on install pages:
		- Privacy Policy
		- Cookie Policy
		- Terms & Conditions
- NEW:	Completly rewritten public code
- FIX:	Improved Cookie Deleting
- FIX:	Performance Increase
- DEPRECATED: privacy_settings shortcode

- NEW:	Added Service Category Description
- FIX:	Privacy Settings Modal CSS issue
- FIX:	Categories not editable

- NEW:	Accept / decline all Cookie Services
- NEW:	Migrate Button automatically assigns Services to Categories now
- FIX:	Multiple Bug fixes

- FIX:	Privacy Popup could not be opened again
- FIX:	Cookie Length of 4000 was reached
- FIX:	Migrate Services not working because of permission

- FIX:	Autoptimize issue
- FIX:	After decline cookies turn back on issue

- FIX:	Fixes an JS error in 1.4.0 - update important! 

- NEW:	Privacy Policy Acceptance
		See	Privacy Policy > Show Accept Checkbox
- NEW:	Terms & Conditions Acceptance
		See	Terms & Conditions > Show Accept Checkbox
- NEW:	Popup Close icon can now be styled
- NEW:	Do not show Popup for Robots / Crawlers 

- NEW:	Video explaining Integrations
- FIX:	Yes / No Translations
- FIX:	Request Status 

- FIX:	Issue on Multisite Activation
- FIX:	WPML string translation issue

- FIX:	Privacy Center Text has an own CSS Class
- FIX:	Missing Translation strings
- FIX:	Privacy Settings Popup now also gets hidden for non EU users
		where style was set to overlay
- FIX:	Updated POT

- NEW:	Video how to setup our plugin:
- FIX:	Install pages redirect
- FIX:	Updated POT File

- FIX:	Issue 500 with certain wp installations

- NEW:	PixelYourSite now fully supported if Facebook Integration enabled
- FIX:	Performance & Stable issue
- FIX:	Redux Framework check now by Class (if your theme already has it, you do
		not need to install it again)

- NEW:	Media Credits Page
- NEW:	Added Media Credits & Data Recitifcation to install pages
- FIX:	Updated POT
- FIX:	Updated DE Translations

- NEW:	Added Data Rectification
- NEW:	Added regular expression check for allowed cookies
		Make sure you add the following custom Cookies to your options:
- FIX:	Pixelyoursite Hook does not get correct Cookies (whyever)
		We now use general _ga cookie to see if tracking cookies are allowed

- NEW:	Option to exclude pages for the popup appear
- NEW:	Improved Polylang Support
- FIX:	Privacy Settings Modal Flyout option not visible in admin panel
- FIX:	Responsive overlay fix
		Thanks to ahumadomayte
- FIX:	User check 

- FIX:	Reponsive Overlay fix
- FIX:	Added Z-Index to Privacy Popup when on bottom
- FIX:	CSS Classes

- NEW:	Faster & More Secure Cookie Checks
- NEW:	Option to add custom technical allowed cookies
		This will be shown as technical required cookies in privacy settings
		See general Settings > Custom Allowed Cookies
- NEW:	Overlay Popup Style (Popup will be centered and background grey)
		See Popup > Popup Style > Overlay
- NEW:	Privacy Settings Popup can now be used even with Cookie Popup on Top 

- FIX:	Performance Update

- FIX:	Removed last margin on privacy center items
- FIX:	Updated missing translations & POT File (po file needs to be synced)
- FIX:	Emails for data breach & updated policy now use Single recipients headers

- NEW:	You can now automatically create all Pages 
		See Settings > General
- NEW:	Create all Pages automatically
- NEW:	Splitted one Checkbox for WooCommerce Acceptances into two:
		One for Checkout
		One for Register Account
- NEW:	Added span element to text after checkboxes
- FIX:	Forget me button not displayed when checkbox active
- FIX:	WooCommerce Registration checkbox hook changed to woocommerce_register_form
- FIX:	Last logged in time in readable format
- FIX:	Popup settings not saved when cookies accepted / declined
- FIX:	Privacy center item not removed when disabled (only by empty page)
- FIX:	Updated Translations

- NEW:	You can now add as many custom integrations as you want
		See Settings > Integrations > Custom Integrations (at the bottom)
		FAQ: https://www.welaunch.io/wordpress-gdpr/documentation/faq/custom-integrations/
- FIX:	PHP notice after send export
- FIX:	Responsive issues on Mobile
- FIX:	Updates Translation POT file

- NEW:	Added an option to allow all cookies for first time users
		Many big companies do this even after GDPR - lawyers are
		not 100% sure if this compliant - but this allows you to
		track Analytics for example until user explicitly opted out
- NEW:	Added DMCA Page
		See Settings > DMCA
- FIX:	PHP notice

- NEW:	Option to use GEO IP to show popup only to EU citizens
		See Settings > Expert
- NEW:	Filter for privacy center items:
		apply_filters('wordpress_gdpr_privacy_center_items', $privacyCenterItems);
		-> With this you can change icons, move items on the privacy center page
- FIX:	Privacy Modal in Popup only possible if bar on bottom
- FIX:	Accept all triggers a click change event now

- NEW:	Privacy Settings Popup Menu
		See on our Demo Website at bottom right
		This can be enabled in Popup > Show Privacy Settings Modal
- NEW:	Added a Data Retention
		User data can be deleted automatically after X days	when user has not logged in. 
		You can check last logged in "GDPR Requests" > Users
- NEW:	Cookie Consent Log for Logged in Users
		This shows you which users has accepted what cookies
		See GDPR Requests > Users
- NEW:	Filters:
- NEW:	Actions:
- FIX:	Added Page Options to WPML Keys

- NEW:	Inform when no user data found (e.g. after deletion)
- FIX:	After forget me clicked, request status did not changed
- FIX:	User data send not correct email for "email"-only requests
- FIX:	Flamingo records deltetion
- FIX:	Updated ALL translation files and POT

- FIX:	PHP Notice
- FIX:	Updated IT Translations

- NEW:	Updated german translations
		Thanks to Frank Rausch
- NEW:	Moved Whitelist option to a new "expert"-Section
- NEW:	Updated Slovakian Translations
- FIX:	Removed a small PHP notice causing JS issues
- FIX:	Updated DA Translations

- NEW:	We revamped the AJAX Cookie Allowance check
		Instead of multiple AJAX calls it now only calls one
- NEW:	If requests allowed without user exist check
		Data (Form entries, Comments, Orders) can now be removed by Email
- NEW:	Added Gravity Forms support for Export & Deletion
- NEW:	Option to use a Cookie Whitelist
		Read more: https://www.welaunch.io/wordpress-gdpr/documentation/faq/cookie-whitelist/
- NEW:	Added Romanian Translations
		Big Thanks to Leo Diaconu
- NEW:	Added Swedish Translations
		Big Thanks to Mikael Svensson
- NEW:	Update IT Translations
		THANKS to DDS Lab di Diego Gianluigi Di Salvo
- NEW:	Delete Quform entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Delete Gravity Form entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Delete FlamingoDB entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Delete Formidable entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Export Quform entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Export Gravity Form entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Export FlamingoDB entries by Email or User ID
- NEW:	Export Formidable entries by Email or User ID
- FIX:	Updated POT File
- FIX:	Code Refracturing 
- FIX:	Updated WPML Keys

- NEW:	Added Support for pixelyoursite.com
		If Facebook Integration not allowed our plugin
		sets "pys_disable_by_gdpr" Filter to true
- NEW:	Added Entry export of Formidable & Quform entries
- NEW:	Removed Settings to remove Formidable & Quform entries
		to Integration Settings Section.
		MAKE sure you reenable settings there.
- FIX:	Updated Cookies for deletion of all services
- FIX:	Added Multiple Delete Cookie Functions
- FIX:	Updated Flamingo Enabled Check

- NEW:	Genernal > Domain text option.
		For GA cookies to be stopped / allowed you need to 
		pass your domain you set in GA there. E.g. ".welaunch.io"
- NEW:	When click on accepted or declines the checkboxes will be
		checked / unchecked without page refreshing
- NEW:	Formidable support 
		Forget me requests can now also delete formidable entries
		See Settings > Forget Me > Formidable

- FIX:	Adsense Ads will not be removed when no consent given

- NEW:	Added Support for Adsense
- NEW:	Quform data can now be deleted
- NEW:	Added more option in Forget me options
		about what will be deleted
- FIX:	Updated NL Translations
		Big Thanks to JP Hoey

- NEW:	Added Piwik Integration
- NEW:	Added Slovakian Translation
- NEW:	Added an option to enable Mailster checkbox only
		This way you can use disable our Checkbox for Mailters,
		but still use the unsubscribe link
- NEW:	Added an option to export data as HTML instead of JSON
- FIX:	Updated POT File (Translations)

- NEW:	When mailster integration enabled the privacy center link
		to Unsubscribe directly links to mailster unsubscribe page
- FIX:	Cookie policy in Popup not shown

- NEW:	Added Support for WP 4.9.6
		Some comment & info about WP 4.9.6 & GDPR:
- NEW:	Added an option to allow all cookies when a user is logged in
- FIX:	Call to undefined function wp_delete_user
- FIX:	Testing WP 4.9.6
- FIX:	Updated Slovenian Translations
- FIX:	Moved Settings to an own Menu item for 4.9.6 compatibility

- NEW:	Added Hungarian Translations
- NEW:	Added Tag Manger Body Tag option (need for browsers with JS disallowed)
- FIX:	Fixed an issue with non closing a tag

- NEW:	Added Recaptcha Option
		See settings > General
- NEW:	Added Slowenian Translations
- NEW:	Added FAQ for Quforms
- FIX:	Fixed an issue where Privacy Center was no more available when
		WooCommerce integration activated

- FIX:	Small Misspelling issue
- FIX:	Updates Translation Template

- NEW:	Added Flamingo DB Support
- NEW:	Added Mailster Support
- NEW:	Added WooCommerce to Privacy Settings
		explaining that 2 cookies are neccessary 
		for order processing
- NEW:	Integrations Tutorials: 
- NEW:	Filter for Neccessary Cookies: wordpress_gdpr_necessary_cookies
- FIX:	Updated Translations template

- NEW:	Added Facebook Pixel Code Support
- FIX:	If options disabled still show settings

- NEW:	Send out Privacy Policy Update Emails
		Settings > Privacy Policy Update
- NEW:	Decline Cookies in Popup
		This will be saved in a cookie
- NEW:	Added Privacy Settings to popup
- NEW:	Requests can be created even when user 
		does not exists in WP. This allows offline
		or other systems data to send manually.
		Settings > FORM > Disable User Exist Check
- NEW:	Added a manually done button to requests
- FIX:	Adjusted all Popup Texts
		Reset this section in plugin settings
- FIX:	Moved Data Breach Email button to settings page
- FIX:	Added Redirect after Action was taken

- NEW:	Added BuddyPress Support
- NEW:	Added Cloudflare Support

- NEW:	Close Cookie Popup Button
- NEW:	If logged in as admin -> cookies allowed
		This prevents logged out loop
- NEW:	Redux Framework Cookie blocked

- NEW:	Added Disclaimer Page
- NEW:	Added Terms and Conditions Page
- FIX:	Integrations will be accepted when cookies allowed
- FIX:	Updated Translations

- NEW:	Added Imprint Page (necessary for Germany)
- NEW:	Added Machine Translations:
- FIX:	WPML Keys
- FIX:	Ajax check only if enabled in admin panel

- Inital release

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  • wordpress_logged_in_
  • wordpress_sec

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