Product Price Discounts
Grant product price discounts based on multiple parameters like user role, category, reviews written or start & end dates.
Tiered Pricing
Motivate your customers to buy higher quantities by granting quantity based discounts using pricing tiers.
Cart Discounts
Add cart based discounts & free products based on items in cart, subtotal, product categories and more.
Dynamic Pricing for WooCommerce
There is nothing, that convinces a customer more than when he gets price discounts. Use this as an advantage with our dynamic pricing plugin for WooCommerce. Setup product price or cart discounts with ease based on multiple parameters, Some examples:
- 10% off on all Hoodies this weekend
- Buy 10 quantities and get 5% discount
- Cart value above 100€ gets 20% off
- B2B Users get 10% discount on on all T-Shirts
You see that nearly all possible pricing scenarios are possible. And the best? All is manageable in one settings panel including price im- and exports.
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Unlimited Pricing Scenarios
Choose between more than 7 different parameters to configure your custom product pricing scenarios. Use product categories, tags, user roles, reviews / orders created or even products itself. Then enable fixed or percentage based product discounts, that gets applied to your previous chosen parameters.
- 5% on all Hoodies
- 10% for all users, who have written more than 5 reviews
- 20% on Tshirts for B2B User Roles who made more than 10 orders
- $5 fixed discount during 4th of July
Custom User Role Pricing
Loyal or B2B customers often have special price conditions, that you need to tackle. In order to support this we have to functionalities for that:
- Use global Discount rules to user roles
e.g. all B2B Users get 10% discount - Set custom prices per user role on product level
Of course it is much work to set custom user roles prices for each product. That is why the built in price importer functionality also can handle user role prices. Just download the excel price export, add user role prices and reimport with ease.
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Tiered Product Pricing
Adjusting the price based on quantities a user wants to buy will often lead into higher oder values. This because customers buy more than needed to get applicable discounts.
Within our pricing plugin for WooCommerce we have a built in tiered pricing system, that you can use in two ways.
- Global / Category based tiered pricing
- Per product tiered pricing
The global or category based tiered pricing makes it easy for you to setup tiers for all hoodies for example with just a few clicks. Choose between percentage or fixed amount discount and that is it. A nice pricing table will show the user his available tiers depending on the quantity he buys.
View DemoCart Discounts & Free Products
Beside product price discounts and tiered pricing, our plugin also offers cart discounts. These type of discounts allow you to apply percentage or fixed amount discounts on the complete users cart when certain parameters match.
- Get 10% Off of Cart Subtotal when 10 Items in Cart
- Enjoy a free product as Gift when 100€ cart subtotal reached
Furthermore you can add free products as gifts to the users cart.
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Ex- & Import prices with ease
No need for additional plugins. Our plugin comes with a built in Excel (xls or xlsx) ex- & import prices functionality. Just download an existing price export file with all products, default & user role prices, adjust prices as you like and reimport again.
- Import regular & sale prices
- Import user role prices
The import functionality is AJAX based, so it can handle unlimited rows of products.
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