(7 customer reviews)

WooCommerce Better Compare


Help your customers to compare WooCommerce products with our better compare plugin. Compared products are loaded dynamically via AJAX into a table. Your users can then see the differences by highlighting them or remove similarities.

This works with all product data like attributes, reviews, price, dimensions etc. And the best: You can define what data you want to be compared with.

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Compare Products with Ease

WooCommerce is the most intuitive and highly-flexible e-commerce solution for WordPress. There is just one question. Namely, are you using a WooCommerce plugin which directly benefits your customers shopping experience?

Better Compare is a new WooCommerce plugin which allows WordPress e-commerce customers to easily compare WooCommerce store products. Users can compare price data, product similarities, and several other pre-defined product attributes.

With Better Compare, store customers simply select products to compare, click ‘Compare Now,’ and benefit from an instant, fully themed, side by side product comparison table.

flyout compare table

Let Customers Compare Products with ease

Before customers add products to their WooCommerce shopping cart, they want to know if they get the most value for their money. Easily configurable AJAX compare tables can, therefore, help your customers to see product differences and help them to choose the best product.

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Site-Wide Product Comparison Bar

In order to reduce the risk of a WooCommerce shopping cart being abandoned, the Better Compare comparison bar hides discretely at the bottom of store web pages. One click on the ‘Compare Products’ tab, will then recall details of any products users have selected for comparison. Much more importantly, this data will be automatically saved, even if customers navigate away from your store pages.

  • Sticky compare bar
  • Compare products from any page
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sticky compare bar
compare WooCommerce products

Intuitive & Crystal Clear Call to Actions

As well as specifying what product attributes should appear in comparison tables, WooCommerce store owners can fully customize comparison charts. This means that the Better Compare WooCommerce plugin can be integrated flawlessly with whatever WordPress theme your store might be using.

  • Add to Compare Button in Product Categories
  • Add to Compare autocomplete Widget
  • Compare sidebar widget
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Shortcode Support

To make getting up and running with Better Compare as easy as possible, our WooComerce plugin features full shortcode support. This means that as long as you are running WordPress version 3.8 or higher, you can easily add product comparison tables to even custom designed and themed web pages.

  • Create static compare pages for SEO
  • Instead of the AJAX compare table, link to a compare page
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compare table shortcode on page
compare table on single product page

Compare All Products on Any Product Page

WooCommerce store customers love variety. What they also love, though, is to be able to compare product specifics easily. The Better Compare WooCommerce plugin can, therefore, be configured to show side by side product comparisons on product pages themselves.

  • Single product pages show “Compare with similar products” automatically
  • Add to compare button on product pages
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Customize as You Want

With the Better Compare WooCommerce plugin, WooCommerce store owners can configure comparison table colors and fonts as they please.

Shipping with over 50 in-built style options, store owners can stay in full control of how product pages and comparison tables are presented. The end result is a flawlessly finished, intuitive UI. One which helps drive sales by allowing customers to make more informed buying choices.

  • Enable / Disable data you want to compare
  • Change colors and fonts with ease
  • Activate functionalities independently
View Admin Demo
compare admin settings

7 reviews for WooCommerce Better Compare

  1. beamkiller

    It’s a very good plugin. If you have attributes and many products too compare this is the best solution.
    And it is responsive too 🙂

  2. effective_advisory

    Easy to setup and almost provide all feature that I need for my site. Great customer support also.
    Keep up the good work!

  3. giac_14

    Great plugin and support as always with the bd-zine guys, customization is very easy with the plugin setting pane and working with css to go even further is quite easy. Reccomended.

  4. Borisla

    Great support , great professional behaviour , nice plugin and nice code . Perfect and really recommendable plugin 🙂 Danke !

  5. bare123

    One of the best premium Compare Plugins we have seen before. Easy setup, very flexible in what data you want to have your products compared to and the most important: responsive!

    Like the work and hope for updates soon.

  6. nikhilranka23

    What a beautiful plugin. Solves an important need for customers who want to make informed purchase decisions. It has an excellent front as well as back end design. To top it all, its extremely lightweight as well. Worth the purchase.

  7. Cristiano Augusto

    Is it possible to add a feature with the option to add sellers on purchase to be used with the marketplace plugin?

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Compare Plugin Styles do not apply?

If the styles you set in the plugin settings do not appear on the page you need to set a chmod of 0777 to the following folder / file: /wp-content/plugins/woocommerce-better-compare-public/public/css/woocommerce-better-compare-custom.css If this...

How can I change the compare button color?

You can use the following custom CSS to change the compare bar button to another background or text color. a.woocommerce-compare-table-action-compare, a.woocommerce-compare-table-action-compare:hover { background-color: blue; color: #fff; }

WooCommerce Compare with Similar Products on Product Page

How are the “COMPARE WITH SIMILAR PRODUCTS” made? How should I configure it, so that when I am in a single product page the plugin shows a section comparing similar products? Our plugin automatically takes products from the same category...

Hide Compare Bar on Pages

If you want to hide the compare bar on certain pages you can use the following custom CSS. Replace the ID with the ID of your page: body.page-id-2 #woocommerce-compare-bar { display: none; } To hide the compare bar on all pages use this...

Hide compare Button for Specific Products

If you want to hide the Add to Compare button for specific products you can use the following filter hook: add_filter( 'woocommerce_better_compare_show_add_to_compare_button' ,'hide_compare_btn', 10, 2); function hide_compare_btn( $show, $product...

How to show group attributes in the compare table?

The compare plugin is integrated with our WooCommerce Group Attributes plugin. Attribute groups will appear in the data to compare section like below. grouped attributes for compare You simply need to drag them into the enabled...

Are Custom Meta or Taxonomy fields comparable?

Custom meta & Taxonomy compare WooCommerce Better Compare plugin supports custom meta and taxonomy fields by default. Up to 4 of each type can be created and drag / drop into the comparison table.


# Changelog
1.7.1 BETA
- NEW:	Added German Formal language
- FIX:	RAnk Math support not working
- FIX:	Mobile view

- NEW:	Enhanced Analytics
- NEW:	Variation support
- FIX:	Added label for elements for barrier free
- FIX:	Weight not formatted
- FIX:	PHP 8.3 support

- NEW:	When max products are reached the compare bar pops up
- FIX:	Single product page hook not working
- FIX:	Checkbox style also supported for single product pages & shortcodes
- FIX:	Performance option now also works for custom compare page
- fIX:	Changed mobile breakpoints

- NEW:	Updated all translations
- NEW:	Text option for "Current product"
- NEW:	Set include children to false for product categories
- NEW:	Single product compare Order by Menu Oder
- NEW:	Added an option to show clear all button in the compare bar
- FIX:	Share URL not shown in Email
- FIX: 	Rank Math support
- FIX:	Accordion view of group attributes displayed even though it was disabled
- FIX:	Current product not translated
- FIX:	Performance issue with file_put_contents
- FIX:	Custom meta 10 not showing
- FIX:	Performance issues
- FIX: 	Custom taxonomies & meta WPML support 
- FIX:	removed colors from public.css as they can be set in settings

- NEW:	Added shortcode
- NEW:	Added flatsome_product_box_after hook
- FIX:	SPinner & Text not working on single product pages
- FIX:	PHP Notice
- FIX:	Loading spinner not showed in shortcode
- FIX:	UL / LI elements caused items not equal height
- FIX:	Renamed excerpt to short description
- FIX:	PHP 8 notice
- FIX:	Switched odd / even bg colors in inital settings

- NEW:	Checkbox Add to Compare Style

- NEW:	Share, Edit, Delete and Modify the Products of Existing saved Comparisons
- NEW:	Increased custom taxonomies & post metas to 10 and move them into an own section:
- NEW:	Hide the compare bar until a product has been added
- NEW:	Option to disable the load of Font Awesome 5 (see advanced settings)
- FIX:	Updated Translations
- FIX:	Added missing WPML keys for add & remove from compare
- FIX:	PHP Notice

- NEW:	Save comparisons in Woo my Account
- NEW:	Share comparisons in social media
- NEW:	Exlcude / include product categories or products created by specific users (e.g. vendors)
- NEW:	URL compare overrides cookies now (URL parameter ?compare is treated BEFORE cookie)
- FIX:	Upgraded Font awesome to latest version and included in plugin now (no CDN)

- NEW:	Performance Option under advanced settings
- NEW:	Added enhanced WPML
- FIX:	Single compare excerpt ul elements hidden

- NEW:	Improved product search (searching with or without hypens + tag search)
- NEW:	Added two new text option fields for add / remove to compare button
- FIX:	removed admin bar
- FIX:	Changed default button position

- NEW:	Styling section
- FIX:	Styles did not work
- FIX:	Empty attribute groups showed in compare

- NEW:	Dropped Redux Framework support and added our own framework 
		Read more here: https://www.welaunch.io/en/2021/01/switching-from-redux-to-our-own-framework
		This ensure auto updates & removes all gutenberg stuff
		You can delete Redux (if not used somewhere else) afterwards

- NEW:	Added categories + tags to compare data

- NEW:	Turn off URL state replace (adding query parameters to URL)
		See Advanced Settings
- NEW:	Show compare bar only on product / category pages

- NEW:	Yoast Primary category restriction option to turn if off	

- NEW:	Compare bar 2nd Layout with button right
- NEW:	Option to hide placeholder images in compare bar

- NEW:	Autocomplete now possible in Compare Table
		Live Demo: https://demos.welaunch.io/woocommerce-better-compare/live-compare-table/
		Type in "iphone" into example
		Setup: https://imgur.com/a/4SQRoW7
- NEW: 	Autocomplete shortcode now returns a selectable list
- NEW:	Add autocomplete into the table to compare products more easily
- NEW:	Always show all columns option
- NEW:	Single Product Page Button can now link to a URL

- FIX:	Not available text not shown for attributes that were 
		fetched automatically from groups
- FIX:	Removed non existing attributes in dynamic shortcode for 
		automatic attributes

- NEW:	Option to reset counts after each attribute group
- FIX:	" sign after each product title

- NEW:	Accordion now also works when attr name not in first column
- FIX:	Accordion icons switched

- NEW:	Group attributes accordion compatibility (only shortcode)
- NEW:	Automatically get attribute group attributes (shortcode & live compare)
- NEW:	Moved data to compare single product to "data to compare" section in backend
- NEW:	Added support for attribute group product categories
- NEW:	Set max products per mobile (before only desktop)
- NEW:	Category restriction (only allow comparison inside same categories)

- NEW:	Single product page compared products are taken from YOAST primary category 
		or if empty only from last category assigned
- FIX:	Updated docs

- FIX:	Single product page image tag displayed

- NEW:	Added new filter for get product data
		apply_filters( 'woocommerce_better_compare_single_product_data', $data, $product, $key );

- FIX:	Added a tax exists check

- FIX:	Use return instead of echo for compare button

- FIX:	Compare shortcode image not rendered correctly
- FIX:	Single compare table with attr in first column > hide similiarities fix

- FIX:	Hide similarities removed the read more and attribute group rows
- FIX:	Updated Translation files

- NEW:	Fly Out compare table is now printer friendly:
		- display all data in multiple pages correctly
		- hide / show similar & close button hidden
		- compare bar hidden
		- rows less padding

- FIX:	Clear All button now also removes IDs from URL Query

- FIX:	Remove from compare button not changed when 2 buttons on the same page
		and clicked on remove

- NEW:	Group Attributes Plugin Support
		General > Enable Attribute Group Compatibility
		Then drag group names inside the data to show
- NEW:	Show attribute Name in an own first column instead of above the value
		Single Compare Table > Show Attr Name in first Column 
		Single Product > Show Attr Name in first Column 

- NEW:	Updated the Design
- NEW:	Centered compare items in the bar
- NEW:	Update default setting options
- NEW:	Added Box Shadow to the Compare Bar

- FIX:	State Saving building infinite &compare
- FIX:	400 Issue when product not found

- FIX:	Array to String Conversion issue in Redux Framework
- FIX:	Build State Replace now does not remove existing query strings

- NEW:	Added a span tag to add & remove buttons for better theme support
- NEW:	Added an option to set loop button position to none
- FIX:	Fixed Responsive View

- NEW:	Image is linked now
- NEW:	Added flatsome option to single product compare page table
- FIX:	Performance Increase for AJAX call

- NEW:	Filter for Single Product Compare Products Query Args
		apply_filters('woocommerce_better_compare_single_product_compare_products_query_args', $args, $product);

- NEW:	Added Support for up to 4 custom Meta Fields
		See data to compare
- NEW:	Filter to hide the add to compare for certain products:
		$show_add_to_compare = apply_filters('woocommerce_better_compare_show_add_to_compare_button', true, $product);

- NEW:	HTML5 Replace State 	
		Compared products will be added to the URL of your site
		to share your comparison in social media for example
		Load order: Cookies > URL
- NEW:	Provided Translations: 
		– da_DK
		– de_DE
		– en_US
		– es_ES
		– fi_FI
		– fr_FR
		– hu_HU
		– it_IT
		– nb_NO
		– nl_NL
		– pl_PL
		– pt_PT
		– ru_RU
		– sk_SK
		– sv_SE
- FIX:	If compare bar open and product added compare bar does not close
- FIX:	Cookie gets saved for 30 days

- FIX:	Cookie only saved on domain basis

- FIX:	Better responsive table

- NEW: 	Short & Long description now render shortcodes automatically
		You can remove shortcodes with plugin settings > data to compare

- NEW:	Added Custom Taxonomies e.g. product_cat to data to show options
- NEW:	Added Custom Taxonomy Name field
- NEW:	Added Custom Taxonomy Disable link checkbox

- FIX:	Added FontAwesome to prevent icons from not showing
- FIX:	Close Icon not visible

- NEW:	Responsive Slick Slider on Single Product Pages
- FIX:	Responsive Table slided 2 items on mobile
- FIX:	Multiple Slick initalizements

- NEW:	Performance Increase
- NEW:	Image & Product Title are now linked (in bar & widget)
- FIX:	Compare does no longer open on page load
- FIX:	Long Product names not breaking correctly

- FIX:	Compare Bar Button hides compare table flyout buttons at the bottom

- NEW:	Set a link on the Compare Now Button to link to a Page
- NEW:	Shortcode for Add to Compare button: woocommerce_better_compare_button
		Accepts parameter "product" with product ID as value
		or no parameter to get product dynamically
- NEW:	Added support for grouped attributes plugin:
- FIX:	Removed Draggable feature (too many cross browser issues)
- FIX:	Added more responsive CSS

- NEW:	you can set own images sizes for compare bar & table

- NEW:	Autocomplete functionality
		Either use a shortcode or a widget to show an autocomplete form, where
		users can search by sku or product title and add product to compare then
		- Shop Demo (top right in sidebar): https://www.welaunch.io/woocommerce-better-compare/demo/
		- Shortcode: https://www.welaunch.io/woocommerce-better-compare/autocomplete/
- FIX:	Updated Translations
- FIX:	Responsive CSS

- FIX: Added reset product data

- FIX: Max Products Issue
- FIX: Removed Console logs

- NEW: Hide Similiarities now hides the complete row
- FIX: Draggable not working

- NEW: Option for Shop Loop Button positon & hook priority
- NEW: Responsive slider option
- FIX: Compare bar button centered
- FIX: Similarities / Differences not working

- NEW: Added responsive grid for the overlay compare table
- FIX: Compare bar opens only when more than 2 products are added

- NEW: Compare bar only opens 2 or more items are added
- NEW: Compare table now closes and do not open the bar again

- FIX:  Undefined 'ti' index warning

- NEW:  Enable or disable the draggable function in settings panle
- FIX:  Clear all link opened the compare bar

- NEW:  Compare bar closes on click compare
- NEW:  Compare bar opens when click on close compare table
- NEW:  Moved highlight simliar & differences in settings panel
- FIX:  JQuery-UI needed
- FIX:  Add to Compare not working when no sidebar or bar was visible

- NEW:	Compare Sidebar Widget
- NEW:	When no products are set in the shortcode, the
		plugin tries to get products from users cookie
		Example: [woocommerce_better_compare]
- NEW:  Scroll arrows on single product page are now 100% height
- NEW:  Slider for the single compare table
- NEW:  Data rows inside compare table get now equally height
- NEW:  Compare table shortcode now works with Slider
		Example: [woocommerce_better_compare products="380,377" slidesToShow="2"]
- NEW:  You can disable the compare bar in the settings
- FIX:  Admin panel > data to compare tabs have more width
- FIX:  Slug changed & all options etc. to avoid plugin conflicts
- FIX:  Moved all JS / CSS files locally

- NEW: Show the add to compare on single product pages
- FIX: Draggable issue

- Inital release

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