Store Locator Shortcode
To place the store locator just create a new page and insert the following shortcode:
Parameters you can use:
Default: 'all'
Values: Category IDs separated by comma, that should show
Default: '',
Values: ID of a default category to be preselected
Default: '',
Values: Flaotval
Default: '',
Values: Flaotval
Default: '',
Values: Number 1 to 16
Default: 'all',
Values: Filters IDs separated by comma (must contain parent filter ID)
Values: Filters IDs seperated by comma
When you use categories parameter show subcategories automatically
Default: 'yes',
Values: yes or no
Default: 'yes',
Values: yes or no (Shows the all stores category)
Default: 'no',
Value: Integer / Number Radius
Default: '',
Value: Adress (Street, City)
Show only specific categories
New from Version 1.4.1, you can specify different store categories in our shortcode to show only stores within a specific category. See here how to find the store category id. If that does not work, please read why store locator category parameter is not working.
Example 1:
- Only show category ID 34 (T-Shirts)
- no children
- no “show all categories”
[wordpress_store_locator categories="34" show_children="no" show_all="no"]
Example 2:
- Show Categories 32 (Clothes) and 35 (Music Stores)
- Show no children
- Show “all categories”
- default_address
[wordpress_store_locator default_address="New York" categories="32,35" show_children="no" show_all="yes"]
Search for Store Shortcode
If you want to have a search for store page like in our Demo, you can create a new page or use any other like your Home page for example. Then place the Following Shortcode:
[wordpress_store_locator_search url="" style="1" show_filter="yes"]
Nearest store shortcode
You can show off the nearest shop from user location with the shortcode below.
[wordpress_store_locator_nearest_store text_before="Nearest Store: " show_name="false" show_opening="true" text_separator=" | " denied_text="Please enable Geolocation"]
Stores Listing shortcode
Available since version 1.13.0 you can list stores by a key data field like country.
[wordpress_store_locator_listing key="country"]
Full arguments lists example:
[wordpress_store_locator_listing key="country" value="US" subkey="region" subvalue="Texas" heading_prefix="Stores in " order_by="pm.meta_value" subheading_prefix="State: " category=""]
List Stores
With this shortcode you can list stores
[wordpress_store_locator_list_stores title="US Stores" max_results="6" tax_relation="AND" store_ids="" filter_ids="" category_ids="" show_name="yes" show_address="yes" show_distance="yes" show_email="yes" show_telephone="yes" show_mobile="yes" show_website="yes" show_opening="yes" columns="2" orderby="post_title" order="ASC"]Explore our stores in USA[/wordpress_store_locator_list_stores]
Google API Key
For our plugin you will need a fully working Google API Key. A tutorial on how to get it, can be found here:
You need to make sure, that inside the Google Console the following options are activated:
Allow your domain to access the key
Enable: Google Places API Web Service
Enable: Google Maps JavaScript
Enable: Google Maps Geocoding
This address appears by default when using the shortcode:
Rostov Oblast, Russia, 346222
How do I remove it?
In the map settings, you need to change the default latitude and longitude.
We install the plugin, but it is giving error all the time of Geocoder failed due to: REQUEST_DENIED. What can it be?
You need to enable the Geocoding service in Googles API console.
Hi, I’ve done this but still getting the same error. Any further advice?
Make sure the custom.css file is writeable in plugin folder > public > css folder.
Hi, I’m having the same issue, but im not sure where to find the custom.css, and what i’m supposed to be changing to it.
I’ve added the API. But when I add the shortcode [wordpress_store_locator] to a page it says Publishing Failed or Updating Failed. When I hit preview I can see the store locator. So close 🙂
Can you please help?
Please enable outbut buffering in advanced store locator plugin settings.
Thanks! That worked a treat : )
do we need to pay to google for the api google map?
i have add shortcode [wordpress_store_locator] but there is updating failure
No and yes – you have a free 200$ limit on googles service per month.
Ive used the shortcode: [wordpress_store_locator] to place the store locator on a normal page, however regardless of where on the page I place the shortcode, the locator keeps apearing at the top of the page. I need it to appear where Ive placed the shortcode.
I’m using the Divi theme and placing the shortcode in a module specifically designed for code such as this. I’ve tried using Modal Code Position in the settings, but this doesnt work either.
Any help would be appreciated!
In advanced settings enable output buffering. That will fix the top location issue.
Is it possible to have a shortcode to display a map that shows all stores by default? I want to show every pin on a map on one page, but not on another page.
That is currently not possible 😉
Does this plugin not work with builders such as Beaver Builder?
Yes for sure it does.
Can i hide filters?
Yes via plugin settings you can hide store filters.
categories filtering with shortcode does not work with latest version of plugin. It shows all stores. 🙁
I’ve added the API it shows that I have stores in the system, but as soon as I go to the page that holds the shortcode, it tells me “No stores found… Try Again.” What’s going wrong?
Do your stores have lat / lng information?
Thank you for this powerful tool.
How can I change the color of the pin/markers, and the radius zone on the map?
You can do this in the plugin settings.
Hello again,
1)on this page the map is displayed before the title of the page inspite of the shortcode placed in a different container below.
2) The map looks whitish and i can’t click or start my search. Could you help me solve this issue please?
Thanks a million team WELAUNCH!
Please disregard my second message, I got it to work, although on firefox the map is grayscaled and unclickable, it works on safari. Also I enabled “Use Output Buffering” to display the map where it should be.
A thousand sorry,
I forgot one request.
I have two filters “Current Products” and “Legacy Products”.
I would like to display “Current Products” for this page
I would like to display “Current Products” and “Legacy Products” for this page
I tried to use the “Edit Store Filter” for each of these filters. Ex I gave legacy filter the category “service centers aka authorized repair facilities”. It worked for the dealer page (only current products filter shows like I wanted), but not the authorized repair facilities. It keeps the current filter only when I want in addition “legacy products.
Can anybody help with how to show selected filters? My request is just above.
Thanks in advance
hi, can you help me setting up find-in-store page? It is giving me a tough time. Do you offer paid services or gigs?
Yes contact us at su*****@we******.io for our customization service.
I need to display Get Location pointer icon inside search box instead of “get my position” under the search box. How can I do that? Is that possible for to that with any simple customization?
That is more complicated and requires customizations.
Hello, since i used another theme in wordpress the map became much smaller in width and is to the right with the stores beside it in on the left and only in one row all the way down (50 stores) instead of in two rows of 25 underneath the map.
How can I fix this?
Please send us your store locator URL to su*****@we******.io
Hi I’m getting this error.
Publishing failed. Error message: The response is not a valid JSON response.
Can you please help? Thanks.
Please check you browser console & php error log.
i have an issue on the category end. i have it set to geolocate but there are stores in the radius missing. ive tried adding every category id to the shortcode with no avail. can u help??
Please check if all stores have a valid lat / lng and categories are assigned. What you mean with “with no avail”?
categories are assigned and lat / lng is set and valid. i mean ive tried everything and they don’t show also i thought it might be a category issue. so i tried to make an all category but quickly realized that if you try to attached parent categories to that main category you loos the option of child categories
Please send us your codecanyon purchase code along with wp-admin and exact issues details to su*****@we******.io
Hi, is there anyway to include a basic search box on a different page in a widget or the like, that sends the user to the desired map page? ie. when they search a city or zipcode.
Yes you can create a search for store shortcode:
When embedding the shortcode for the map into a section it appears at the top of the page. Even when i place further down the website page.
is it possible to show an all markers shortcode by default
See here how to show all stores by default
Hello, I want to know how to use the following shortcode: [wordpress_store_locator_nearest_store text_before=”Nearest Store: ” show_name=”false” show_opening=”true” text_separator=” | ” denied_text=”Please enable Geolocation”]
to show Only the name of the distributor not the address, thanks
How do I show all stores with this shortcode: [wordpress_store_locator_listing key=”country” value=”NZ” heading_prefix=”Stores in “]. I have 8 stores created but only 5 show.
Please check your store data, we do not have a limit in this shortcode.
Regarding my previous comment, I added a server-side API key by generating another key for the 3 maps APIs and added that to the server-side entry. I then manually added the lat/long for the two stores I created. Now when I go into the store locator page, I receive an error: Geocoder failed due to: REQUEST_DENIED. However, it shows the map properly as well as the two stores. Any thoughts on what could be causing the error? I’m guessing I don’t have something set correctly in the Google API setup. TIA
Please open your browser console and look out for Google errors regarding your maps API key.
Hi Daniel,
Is it possible to limit to a specific country for Store Locator Shortcode? For example [wordpress_store_locator key=”country” value=”AU”]?
Thank you
You need to make the country limitations in plugin settings itself. They are not possible via shortcode parameter sorry.
I would like to know if there is also an option to show/hide specific filters, similar to how to category filtering options work. I.e. I want either:
– An option to show filters based on category selected (conditional logic). I.e show this list of filters for category A and show a different list of filters for category B
– Or have an option to show different filters for different pages
Thanks for your help.
Yes conditional filters are possible with our plugin based on categories.
Thanks Daniel!
Do you have a guide on how to do that?
Is it possible to display store location pin in one map for 3 countries.? (Stores are in Canada, United States & France)
Yes of course that is possible.
No matter what I do I cannot get this to work. The map wont appear, if I use beaver builder nothing displays correctly, its been a nightmare.
Please submit a ticket on our website or contact us at su*****@we******.io with your purchase code.
J’ai un petit soucis .. le code [wordpress_store_locator] apparait à la place de la carte. J’ai bien activé les clés API Goggle, ma licence est bonne et j’en utilise une autre sur un autre site et tout fonctionne correctement… Merci ppour votre aide
Hey there,
this is my map:
though there is no map. i used this shortcode:
[wordpress_store_locator_listing key=”country”]
all looks great, now can i have search box on top? i want to search by either name or zipcode. is it possible?
Well currently not, but we can customize / add this feature for you on Charge. Contact us at su*****@we******.io
this shortcode:
[wordpress_store_locator_nearest_store text_before=”Nearest Store: ” show_name=”false” show_opening=”true” text_separator=” | ” denied_text=”Please enable Geolocation”]
just shows 1 store with no search functionality. is it possible to show 10 nearest stores and search functionality? and which template i need to cusotmize ?
I am unable to find where I can change the hover/info window styling. We need it to be black so the text can be visible? We want to change it from #ffffff with transparency to #00000
How to show all stores list be default on page loading
Please see How to show all stores by default.
Hi there, is it possible to have shortcodes for the listing data? For example [store_phone] or [store_address].
I want to create a fully customized store page. Thanks.
Right now this is not possible. Please use get_post_meta function from WP in your code to get these data.