In some cases a selected inventory on the WooCommerce product page will not be chosen and added to cart. The issue here is, that our multi inventory select or input fields must be inside the default WooCommerce cart FORM element. Otherwise it will not be transferred into the add to cart action.
Best is, you use one of the 4 hook positions we have available in product page options (see below):

Does this meaning Cart page Cart table element?
I’m having a issue that at product page evertything great but wrong info or none at cart
Our inventory select fields must be inside your cart form element.
I’m using Auto-order only.
It works perfect at product page and backend also with all the order process.
Only they problem is the cart item show default-inventory even it is empty.
As told it all works fine anyway on the process.
Please submit a ticket on our website or send your request including your valid codecanyon purchase code to su*****@we******.io
Is there any way to show store location in the cart for us that uses a block theme? The normal hook does not work here.