If you want to show all stores by default you need adjust the radius, default lat / lng and max result values:
- Map Settings
- Adjust your default lat / lng to a center of all stores
- Add a high value to the Radius Select Steps like 999
- Set the default radius to the above highest radius (e.g. 999)
- Result List
- Set the Maximum Results to a high number

Your suggestion to load initialy with 999 radius solves the main task, but generates another issue.
We loose the “get nearest places” function with radius 999.
It would be nice to use the “show all by default” feature without loosing the function of “get nearest places” with radius 20.
Tip: What your “show all stores” button does would be perfect for the task. (like this: http://prntscr.com/qs9nvp)
Can we get that fuction to load by shortcode or url parameter?
Well the nearest place will stay show of you set the order to distance. Keeping two radius however is not possible.
Well we made a workaround with a custom JS that fires 1 sec. after pageload to solve the task.
This is how it looks: https://blockchange.hu/atm-kereso/
This ability would be a great feature and really improve the functionality.
I agree with Tom, would be nice to have the show all by default… Having big radius like 500 or 999 doesn’t seem visually good for the customer but the idea is to make sure the customer at first sees there are locations across the country if its not in that 100 mile radius.