When you have correctly installed our WooCommerce Multi Inventory Locations plugin, we can start setting it up. Open up the admin panel and you will see a few new navigation menus:

  1. WooCommerce > Multi Inventory
  2. WooCommerce > Inventory Manager
  3. Products > Inventories

If you can not see that menu make sure our weLaunch Framework plugin is installed! It is free.

Please also see this article on how to keep your plugin updated.

multi inventory menu

General Settings

In the multi inventory page below WooCommerce you find general settings. These allow you to enable or disable our plugin, reduce manual orders stock and email inventory owners about new orders. 

general multi inventory settings

Export & Import Stock Quantities

Furthermore you can export and import inventory location stock quantities via Excel. To do that, click on the export inventories button. Then use this excel file to, change values and reimport the file using the import inventories button.

woocommerce inventory stock importer

Inventory Product Page styles

Our plugin includes 3 different product page styles. These allow you to change the display of your frontend inventories. Furthermore you can turn the display of inventories in your WooCommerce Shop completely off (when you want to use backend only for example). 

Inventory Product Page styles

Select Inventory Popup

With our built in inventory popup you can allow your customers to select their favorite or nearest inventory location. This popup appears automatically or when you use the link on this shortcode:

[woocommerce_multi_inventory_change_inventory select_store_text="Select Store" 
your_store_text="Your Store: "]

In this options you can enable or disable the popup. Moreoever you can add a popup and intro text plus change the colors.

Select Inventory Location Popup

Backend Order Flow

When you do not allow customers to select their own inventory location, our backend order flow settings help you to select the best inventory automatically.

Set the best inventory based on:

  1. Custom Inventory
  2. Order
  3. Name
  4. Nearest Location (uses Google Distance Matrix API)
  5. Lowest Stock
  6. Most Stock
Backend Order flow

Multi Inventory Texts

All used texts in our plugin can be changed in this settings:

Multi Inventory Texts

Create new WooCommerce Inventories

To create new inventories go into “Products > Inventories”. From here you can see, manage, delete or create new WooCommerce inventory locations. Beside regular data, you can set address, Email, Lat / Lng data here. Also you can choose if this is a frontend or backend inventory.

create new inventories in WooCommerce

Assign inventory stock to products

After you created your inventories, you can go into each product and modify the stock quantity and price per warehouse. 

Remember: the sum of all frontend inventories is the main product stock quantity. In the example below: 20 + 20 + 20 + 20 = 80 Quantity.

Beside manually editing each product, you can also use our built in Excel export / import or the inventory manager. 

set multi inventories on product level

21 thoughts on “Setup WooCommerce Multi Inventory Plugin

  1. Greg Roth says:

    I do not want the pop-up to load on page except my products page. I don’t want it pop up on my home page. Is there a way I can do this?


    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Well currently not, but we can customize / add this feature for you on Charge. Contact us at su*****@we******.io

  2. Mayrene Ballinas says:

    I’m working with this plugin and “Advanced Product Fields Extended for WooCommerce”, which in some products allows to add an extra product with an extra fee but this extra fee is not getting reflected in the total of the cart. Am I missing a configuration?

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      I am not sure how this is related to our plugin?

  3. Pancho says:

    Hello, when I change inventory in the product file, the price does not change, there are three inventories with 3 different prices but if I make the change, the price remains the same… Any ideas? Thanks.

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Please submit a ticket on our website for plugin support.

  4. Greg says:

    Can the order routing be setup so the location is tied to an individual product? Let’s say you have location A that only stocks pants while location B only stocks shirts. Can it be setup so the order route is determined by that? If so, does the plugin create two orders if a customer has a product from each location?

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Because each product can have one inventory stock, of course each product can be routed to individual locations. However only one order will be created.

  5. Yuri says:

    Hi! I Had setup two locations with different stock quantitys, and i wanna allow to complete the order with only products from store A and doesn’t allow from store B, is that possible?

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Yes we have a feature built in to restrict cart items only to ONE inventory.

  6. Dejan says:

    Hi! Do I need to set up the shipping to use this plugin instead of the default shipping address? Or it should be done automatically? There are two inventories, but the distance is still calculated from the default store location.

  7. Stephan van Schalkwyk says:

    Under WooCommerce > Settings > Products > Inventory, should the manage stock option be selected or deselected to use the plugin? I think I have a conflict between my WooCommerce stock and my multi inventory plugin stock.

  8. Nicolas says:

    We have one location that is managing stocks through (csv. files) and the other one through a plugin connected to our WooCommerce.
    Is there a possibility to import the stock from the plugin directly through API into yours ?
    And then have the second inventory filled by csv files ?

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      You can use our built in API to import inventory stocks OR you can use our excel import functionality. Of course you can also use both methods.

  9. Steve Su says:

    Hi Daniel,

    Can the plugin be sent to different admin recipients based on the warehouse users order from? For example, if a user orders from Aus, it will send a notification to the aus@ email address; if a user orders from USA, it will then send a notification to the usa@ email address.

    Thank you

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Yes you can route the orders per inventory to different email adresses.

  10. Deev says:


    We use this plugin for inventory control. This means we have 2 inventories, both in the same city. Let’s say when the default inventory has 5 stock, and Inventory B also has 5 stock. A user places 8 quantities in the cart and then cannot proceed to checkout because of “Not enough stock”. Can we apply mixed inventories? So, in the above case, can we take 5 from the default inventory and another 3 from Inventory B?

  11. Giuseppe says:

    Hi, I would like to know if your plugin manages the possibility, via order routing, of having orders with multiple products on different locations in the event of all availability on one location.
    Is it possible to do this with your plugin?

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