Our WooCommerce delivery plugin has multiple options that you can configure. Each of those are independent so that you can use delivery date for example without delivery time slots. We will walk you through all settings.

Delivery Settings

In order to setup our plugin you should be able to see the delivery menu below WooCommerce. If you can not see it make sure the Redux Framework plugin is installed and activated.

General Settings

To activate our plugin turn on the enable switch. Then you can set your date and time format. By default it takes the format, that you already set in general settings of your wp installation. Please stick to the date & time format reference of PHP.

enable WooCommerce delivery plugin
enable WooCommerce delivery plugin

Opening Hours

When opening hours are enabled, user can not buy anything when your store is closed. They will receive a notification that you can configure in the notifications tab. You must enable one of the notifications (see below) to block orders.

Each day of the week can have two open – close times. For example you can have your shop closed on Monday, but open on Sunday from 12 to 14 and 17 to 22 o’clock.

set opening and closed hours
set opening and closed hours

Shop closed Notifications

If a customer wants to buy something outside of your business hours, you need to inform the customer. Therefore you can enable 3 different closed notifications:

  • Before Checkout (Cart) Notification
    This notification displays when customer is on cart page and wants to checkout. Remember to enable opening hours to use these notifications.
  • Checkout Validation Notification
    This notification displays when customer is in checkout and wants to place order. Remember to enable opening hours to use these notifications.
  • Add to Cart Notification
    This notification displays when customer wants to add something to their cart. Remember to enable opening hours to use these notifications.

In the example below we use the before checkout (cart) notification. We recommend this, because the customer still can add products to his cart even though he can not place orders. But he can come back later to continue placing the order when your shop is open again.

configure store closed notifications
configure store closed notifications

Checkout Fields

Sometimes you do not need the 2nd address field or the phone number required. Therefore we created this small functionality to remove fields & mandatory / required setting for each checkout fields. Simply choose the data fields you want to remove or change and save.

remove and modify checkout fields
remove and modify checkout fields

Delivery Time Slots

To show the delivery time field select field in the WooCommerce checkout process you need to enable this feature. After that you can define a custom field name, enter a suffix and provide your delivery time options. You can enter ranges here also, but if you provide delivery times in your time format they will adjust based on users current time.

Beside making this field mandatory, you can also define how many orders per time are allowed. For example if you can only deliver 5 products every 15 minutes. Time slots will then be greyed out / not available.

If you need delivery time options per day activate the checkbox at the bottom. Then you can enter time slots per weekday. Delivery time can also be shipping method dependent, e.g. it does not show for local pickup.

set your delivery times
set your delivery times

Delivery Date

In the delivery date settings you will find all possible options to configure the datepicker field. You can give the field a custom name e.g. Delivery & Pickup Date, set a datepicker language or choose a theme.

A neat feature is, that you can set a start & max date. Let us say you only allow delivery dates starting from today +5 days and until +15 days. You can also disable weekdays from the date picker selection in general, for example if you do not deliver on Sundays.

specify delivery dates and configure datepicker
specify delivery dates and configure datepicker

Delivery Locations

To add delivery locations simply enable the switch. Then you can enter a custom label + add all your delivery locations.

add delivery locations
add delivery locations

Delivery Fees

Our plugin allows you to set delivery fees for today or next day deliveries. The fee adjusts itself, for example when a customer changes the date field from today to tomorrow.

Fees can have custom names and only be applied to special shipping methods, because for local pickup you do not charge a delivery fee.

apply today or next day delivery fees
apply today or next day delivery fees

Holidays / Off Days

In the delivery date settings you can exclude custom days where you do not deliver. The holidays / off days section however is a bit different. If you set a day here and the customer wants to buy something, first the day will be excluded from the datepicker. Second, if you have enabled business hours, they will not be able at all to place orders at this day.

You can define a custom error message like “Sorry we are on holiday”.

set holidays and off days
set holidays and off days

Disabled Shipping methods on Weekdays

Assume you only deliver on Weekends, but still allow local pickup during weekdays. Then you can disable specific shipping methods on desired weekdays here.

disable shipping methods on certain weekdays
disable shipping methods on certain weekdays

Radius Shipping

Radius shipping allows you to define a specific radius in kilometers or miles, where specific shipping methods are available. An example would be if you only want to allow free pizza delivery within 30km, but still allow local pickup.

This feature requires a Google API key, that has the Google Distance Matrix API service enabled.

configure radius shipping
configure radius shipping

Exclude Product Categories or Virtual

If you want to exclude specific categories or products you can use the settings below.

exclude product from delivery
exclude product from delivery

39 thoughts on “Setup WooCommerce Delivery Plugin

  1. Noorulhasan Ns says:

    1. Is there auto calculate delivery charge in radius( KM Wise)

    2. Is there option who need delivery required those can choose delivery options ..otherwise they will choose local pickup or shipping

  2. Sarang sawane says:

    I have set up “radius shipping” and integrated google map API which having matrix service enabled.
    But can’t understand that how it functions. How to use it?
    How does “radius shipping” works? and how it calculates distance ?

  3. Tom Demeyer says:

    Hello! Does this plugin works for delivery AND pick up timeslot?

    I want my customers to be able to choose: deliver on certain days, or pickup at certain timeslots (date + hr).

    Will this plugin be able to do that?

  4. Beth says:

    Would this plugin be able to have an instance where we can select delivery days AND local pickup days independently.
    At the moment I can only see the option to have delivery/pick-up on the same days. Please correct me if I’m wrong 🙂

  5. David says:

    Have 2 questions:
    1. If store is closed today… Customer can purchase to receive order tomorrow or next day? My client is a restaurant.
    2. The other question, it’s posible to close by holidays with time included? Like close store 31 April from 12:00 to 19:00 (not all day).

    • Daniel says:

      1) yes that is possible using delivery times & date settings

      2) you can only set full days to holidays, not times.

      • David says:

        1) Ok.

        2) So, my client can close an entire day for holidays, but if these holidays change the opening and closing hours of a normal day, how do I do it? I have to modify the schedule of the week and when this day passes, reconfigure it as normal?

  6. Adri says:

    1. Can any shipping option be selected, such as a flexible shipping option, or just Free Shipping or Local Pick-up?
    2. Can this integrate with your Store Locator plugin to be able to select the delivery location?

  7. Paul Wan says:

    Is there a product ready time function?
    Can it vary depending on the product category? For example, a 2 hour lead time for bouquets and 3 days for funeral wreaths?

      • Scott Banner says:

        Can you tell me where that global processing time option is? I can’t find it anywhere. I believe the setting is causing our customers to not be able to order their Friday fish fry on Thursday.

  8. Mieke says:

    Hello, can I set a time slot for next day delivery:
    – when a customer orders before 2 pm, delivery is next day.
    – when a customer orders after 2 pm, delivery the day after.

      • Mieke says:

        Daniel, thanks, but that doesn’t work. I tried several options, or am I missing something?
        I think next day cut off is different than processing time…
        Cut off is 14:00, before 14:00, delivery = next day between 11:00 to 21:00.
        after 14:00, delivery = next, next day between 11:00 to 21:00.

        It’s 13:01. Processing time 34 hrs = next day 23:01 = too late
        It’s 14:01. Processing time 34 hrs = next, next day 00:01 = right
        It’s 22:01. Processing time 34 hrs = next, next day 08:30 = right
        Okay, shorter…
        It’s 13:01. Processing time 24 hrs = next day 13:01 = right but too late for delivery from 11:00
        It’s 14:01. Processing time 24 hrs = next day 14:01 = wrong, too early
        It’s 22:01. Processing time 24 hrs = next day 22:01 = right, after 21:00
        I’m not getting it 🙁

  9. Reinaldo says:

    Hello, I want to buy the complement, but I have a question. We currently use an Estimated Delivery Date plugin for Woocommerce Pro for Product Preparation 1 or 2 days and it shows it that way, in the product and in the payment gateway there are not all products, most of them are delivered on the same day, you can handle the Same information for the products with this plugin.

  10. Flavio says:

    I want to set it up so that I have all day time slots for collection( these time slots never grey out), but time slots that grey out when customer chooses delivery.

    This is because we only have one delivery vehicle, and can only deliver once every half hour

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