Learn how to setup our WooCommerce Compare products plugin in the next simple steps.

Settings Menu

In order to setup the plugin you should be able to see the Compare Products Menu under the WooCommerce menu. If you can not see the menu make sure the Redux Framework plugin is installed and activated.

General Settings

Enable or disable the compare products plugin as you like. Furthermore you can specify if you want to show a check box to hide similarities or highlight differences inside the comparison table.

Also you can set the maximum amount of products to be compared and set the not available text. This appears if one product has attribute X, but the other product does not have attribute X.

general compare options
general compare options

Compare Styles

We split the styles into 3 different sections:

  • Compare Bar Styles
  • Compare Table Styles
  • Compare Shortcode Table Styles

Compare Bar Styles

You can style the compare bar as you like. Choose a position (bottom or top), set a custom height, width / height of the products.

Furthermore you can set a custom background color and text color.

Compare Table Styles

Then you can set styles for the fly out comparison table, that appears when you click on compare now. Here you can set a text color, background color, odd / even row background color and a highlight color.

Compare Shortcode Table Styles

This is mainly the same as the settings for the normal table. Here you can set a text color, background color, odd / even row background color and a highlight color.

compare bar and table settings
compare bar and table settings

Data To Compare

For the compare tables you can choose what data you want to appear.

Important: If no data was found for all products inside the table it will not be displayed. E.g. Attribute X is not available in all products. 

Some interesting data of what you can compare:

  • Product Image
  • Title
  • Excerpt / Short Description
  • Long Description
  • Reviews
  • Price
  • SKU
  • Dimensions
  • Weight
  • Stock Status
  • Variations
  • Custom Meta Data
  • Custom Product Taxonomies
  • + ALL Product ATTRIBUTES
data to compare options
data to compare options

Single Product Comparison

If you enable this option, a comparison Slider on the single product page will be displayed. The products are automatically be taken from the Current Product + products from the same category.

Here you can set a title e.g. “Compare with similar products” and a custom description. Then you can set the position + how many products should be shown Plus the data to be shown there.

Moreover you can specify the slider settings e.g. the slides to show, to scroll or if you want to show dots or the arrows.

single product configuration
single product configuration

Advanced Options

Add some custom CSS or custom Javascript if you want to modify the styling advanced.

15 thoughts on “Setup WooCommerce Compare Products Plugin

    • weLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author weLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      If this plugin imports products as normal WooCommerce products then there should be no conflict.

  1. Samiksha says:

    Today i purchased this plugin and applied in my website.
    Unfortunately , i am unable to see compare button on any product and not even able to drag to compare bar.
    Can you help me out .

    • weLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author weLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hi there,

      have you enabled the draggable? For the positon please see the settings inside single product > Button Position.

      If you need any more help please send WP-admin to su*****@we******.io

  2. Adel says:

    Hi Guys

    Your compare plugin looks fantastic.
    I have Divi theme running on my site and I’m wondering if the plugin will work, because I saw that redux framework is required.
    Best regards

    • weLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author weLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hi there,

      normally there should not be any problems.

  3. Oliver says:

    Hello there,

    I’m using Woocommerce but for showing off the products on my website I use an external grid of another plugin, I would like to put a shortcode to show the Add to compare button inside the grid. There is a shortcode for this purpose?


    • weLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author weLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.


      yes via Loco Translate 🙂

      • Ken says:

        Excellent plugin, just bought it.
        The only issue I am facing, is how to display the button anywhere I wish in the single product page?
        I dont see any shortcode for that, can you provide a quick solution?
        Thank you

        • weLaunch

          The Real Person!

          Author weLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
          Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

          Hi there,

          you can change the position in the plugin settings at “Single Product Button Position*”.

  4. Ken says:

    This is an excellent review plugin, especially compared to the most well known as yith wich are crap.
    The only issue I am facing is that there is no shortcode for displaying the compare button anywhere I wish in the single product page. Do you have a solution for that? Even a quick hack would be fine, as the default places for the plugin are not working for and I need to place the compare button in a specific place in the page.

  5. Miro says:

    Great job! The only issue is how to control the appearance of the compare bar on pages like Contact or How to order or Privacy. There is simply no need of a bar on those pages, only on woo pages.

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