In total our SEO Categories plugin for WooCommerce supports 4 Shortcodes, that you can use in template builders for example. You can set the term_id or, when not set, it will try to get the current term (category or attribute) data automatically

Footer Text

[woocommerce_advanced_categories_footer_text term_id=""]

Short Description

[woocommerce_advanced_categories_short_description term_id=""]

Sidebar text

[woocommerce_advanced_categories_sidebar_text term_id=""]


[woocommerce_advanced_categories_landingpages term_id=""]

1 thoughts on “WooCommerce SEO Categories Shortcodes

  1. dimitrisv says:

    term_id has to be explicitly defined for the short_description to work in my instance.
    It cannot get the current term_id when having term_id=”” in the shortcode or if you remove it all together.

    The same applies to the woocommerce_advanced_categories_footer_text

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