The following shortcode displays the PDF export button for the product ID 76. The button text is at the end:
[print_product id="PRODUCT_ID" mode="pdf" show_icon="no" text="Export Product X as PDF"]
Mode can be set to pdf, word or print. If you let the ID parameter empty, then our plugin tries to get product automatically.
The following shortcode displays the PDF export button for the product ID 76. The button text is at the end:
This is not at all clear. How do I add a shortcode for a product?
Sorry, we have updated the FAQ.
Of course the shortcode should be like this: [print_product id=”76″ mode=”pdf” text=”Print Product (ID 76)”]
Is there no shortcode that displays the same as if I setup through the plugin page? Like without a button and with the icon?
Hello! How can I add an icon or a picture to a shortcode? What shortcode to print the product?
Please see here on how to change the print products icons to images:
Hi there,
is it possible to add a shortcode to the WooCommerce short description tab, that prints the current product, without hardcoding the id of the product?
Thanks in advance and kind regards
This is how I did it:
[print_product id=”jQuery(“#post_ID”).val();PRODUCT_ID” mode=”pdf” text=”DOWNLOAD SAMPLE SHEET”]
That does not work. You can not mix frontend code into backend php code …
So which shortcode should be used in a WooCommerce single product template created in elementor?
The shortcode without the ID parameter should be fine for elementor templates as it will try to fetch the product then automatically.
I have applied the shortcode [print_product id = “jQuery (” # post_ID “). Val (); PRODUCT_ID ”mode =” pdf ”text =” DOWNLOAD SAMPLE SHEET ”] for an elementor template and it works correctly, but I would like to know if it is possible, change the text to an icon or image.
Hello, is there a way to send the pdf to an email instead of downloading it?
Well currently not, but we can customize / add this feature for you on Charge. Contact us at su*****@we******.io
I have sent you an email
Can the button be pasword protected to use in internally only?