In order to create the quick order tables or search you need to setup pages and enter the shortcodes there.

Example: Quick Order Search

If you want to create a quick order search page, you should use the following shortcode:


Quick Order Table (All products)

If you want to create a quick order table page with ALL products, you should use the following shortcode:

[woocommerce_quick_order_table order="DESC" orderby="menu_order"]

Quick Order Table (Specific Categories)

A quick order table page only for certain categories can be achieved like this:

[woocommerce_quick_order_table categories="PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID1,PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID2,PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID3" order="DESC" orderby="menu_order"]

Quick Order Table (Specific Products)

And only specific product IDs:

[woocommerce_quick_order_table products="PRODUCT_ID1,PRODUCT_ID2,PRODUCT_ID3" order="DESC" orderby="menu_order"]

Quick Order Table with Split Categories

And only specific product IDs:

[woocommerce_quick_order_table categories="PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID1,PRODUCT_CATEGORY_ID2" splitcategories="1" order="DESC" orderby="menu_order"]

2 thoughts on “How to use Quick Order Plugin (Shortcodes)

  1. Abbe says:

    Do you have more shortcodes to filter products (single product) by different attributes such as model or year?

    • Daniel

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Well currently not, but we can customize / add this feature for you on Charge. Contact us at [email protected]

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