Compare Table Shortcode
With the following shortcode you can create a comparison table of selected product ids:
[woocommerce_better_compare products="ID1,ID2,ID3" slidestoshow="" only_first="no"]
Set only_first to “yes” if you only want to show the first compared product (interesting when you use show all columns + autocomplete). If you leave the product ids empty our plugin will output the products, that a user has in his compare list automatically:
Autocomplete form Shortcode
To show the autocomplete form, where users can add products by search, to the compare list:
Compare Button Shortcode
To show the compare button with a shortcode you can use the one below. You can leave out a product ID to use this shortcode dynamically:
[woocommerce_better_compare_button product="PRODUCT_ID"]
Single Product Compare
Shows similar products to compare on the product page.