Lets say you want to show 5 accessories in one row.

  • woocommerce_product_accessories_mandatory_display_args
  • woocommerce_product_accessories_optional_display_args

Then use this shortcode:

function we_modify_optional_accessory_columns( $args ) { 
    $args['columns'] = 5;
    return $args; 
// add the filter 
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_accessories_optional_display_args', 'we_modify_optional_accessory_columns', 60, 1 ); 

4 thoughts on “Change the Number of Accessory Columns

  1. John Mather says:

    Thanks for your excellent plugin. I followed the instructions for “Changing the Position” successfully but couldn’t make this work. Where should i place this code ? Regards, John

    • weLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author weLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Hi there,

      you need to place this into your functions.php of your child theme.

  2. ankush says:

    Kindly look at the link i provided. I have changed position of products successfully.
    But, not able to change view of products as per above shortcode.
    Kindly help in this matter.

  3. Claus says:

    Hi! I have added this code as a snippet to my site. It works, I want and I have 3 colums. But when the snippet is enabled, the defined heading is missing. how can I fix this?

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