How can I change GDPR texts / translate?

WordPress GDPR FAQ Viewed: 2768

If you want to translate or change texts, that are not available in plugin settings you can use Loco Translate.

  1. Install Loco Translate
  2. Go to Loco Translate > Plugins
  3. Click on WordPress GDPR
  4. Create a new Translation (we use en_US to overwrite the current english one)
  5. Sync the Translation file
  6. Start translating
  7. Click save

Admin / Settings Texts

For WPML or Polylang you need to use the string translations to translate for example email texts or the cookie popup texts:

Services & Service Categories

To translate services or service categories you need to enable custom post type translation by opening a service, then go to the bottom of the page and enable translation (also for the categories). See the attached screen.

2 thoughts on “How can I change GDPR texts / translate?

  1. Peter Matthews says:

    I’ve tried changing the language for this plugin to English (UK) via Loco Translate. The modal popup screen still incorrectly says “Privacy Center”, instead of the correct “Privacy Centre”. How do I make it English, rather than American?

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