Request a Quote
Allow your customers to request a quote for all their items in their WooCommerce cart.
Price Negotiation
Use the integrated price negotiation to allow quote bargaining directly in your shop.
Convert Quotes into Orders & Pay Online
Accepted or approved quotes will automatically be converted into an order, that can be paid online.
The only Request Quote Plugin, that uses WC Orders & Checkout
As you might know, there are many request quote plugins for WooCommerce available. Most of them use basic forms sending Emails and that is it.
Our plugin’s unique feature is, that it is tightly using the native WooCommerce checkout process. This allows you:
- Quotes Saved in WooCommerce
- Allow direct Payments of Quotes using your default Payment Gateways
- Manage price negotiations & send updated Quotes
Request a Quote During Checkout
Our WooCommerce plugin adds a request quote payment method during your checkout process. This includes a text field, where customers can name their favourable price. After checkout, this enquiry will be saved as a new order quote in your WC system, but also in customer’s my account page.
- Create quote request during WooCommerce checkout
- Save quotes in Backend Orders & My Account page
- Keep existing WC payment methods
Negotiate Price & Bargaining
After initial quote request, the shop manager and customer can negotiate the price. This bargaining process can be done directly in your WooCommerce shop. From the my account page, the customer can negotiate each order, while shop owners can send negotiation messages from the backend.
- Approve, Decline or negotiate Quotes
- Negotiate prices directly in My Account page
- Update quote totals from regular admin orders page

Convert Quotes into Orders & Pay
Customers or shop manager can approve quotes, which then get converted into orders with a simple click. After a quote has been converted, the new order gets the status pending payment. The customer gets an email including a payment link from that he can then directly pay your order using your default WC payment methods.
- Convert approved quotes into orders automatically
- Send payment emails to customers
- Use default WooCommerce payment methods
Quotes in My Account
All quotes are saved in the customers my account page. From here the user can see quote status, can approve or decline them and negotiate the prices.
- See all requests in My Account page
- Approve, Decline or Negotiate quotes

Customize everything & Manage User access
All regular texts or button texts can be customized directly within the plugin settings. Moreover you can limit the access to the quote functionality for logged in , logged out or custom user roles.
- Change all texts
- Exclude User roles
- Exclude logged in or logged out users
Quote Email Notifications
In addition to the regular WooCommerce emails, our plugin contains 3 new quote email notifications. For example we have notifications for approved or declined quotes and new quotes.
- Configure Approved or Declined Quote Emails
- Setup new Quote Emails

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