How to block iFrame Youtube Cookies?

To block cookies from iFrame embedded pages like youtube you need to watch their embed settings.

In Youtube there is an option to enable advanced privacy options (see image right). If you enable this you will see, that the embed src changes to “”.

The option is the last one you see (its German sorry).Then you can use a custom HTML block and insert the embed code there.

4 thoughts on “How to block iFrame Youtube Cookies?

  1. Leon says:

    This is incorrect.

    Using YouTube no-cookie still places cookies, regardless if the user gave consent for this. According to the GDPR website owners need to ask for consent, before cookies are placed. This includes cookies that are placed by third parties such as YouTube, via embedded videos.

  2. Davide Caricato says:

    This is NOT incorrect.
    Technical cookies, regardless of the fact they are first or third party, Do NOT NEED ACTIVE CONSENT from the user.

    So, Youtube cookies are anonimyzed in the no cookie version, and they do only collect aggregate informations without storing IPs.

    • Nathan says:

      Leon is right. STRICTLY NECESSARY cookies don’t need active consent. This is different from FUNCTIONAL/TECHNICAL cookies. YouTube embeds are not strictly necessary as judged by EU courts.

      • WeLaunch

        The Real Person!

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        That may be the case – however there is currently no other solution from youtube itself. So either use lazyload like wp-rocket provides or only link to a youtube video.

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