WordPress 4.9.6 and GDPR – Do I still need a plugin?

WordPress GDPR FAQ Viewed: 3280

With WordPress 4.9.6 there were some new features introduced, especially regarding the GDPR.

In detail there are 3 new things:

Set a Privacy Page within WordPress

Under Settings > Privacy you can set your own Privacy Page now. Or you create a new one.

This will add a link to your privacy policy to your login / registration pages.

Also this will add a checkbox for privacy on comment forms where the user is not logged in.

Data Export Requests

Under Tools > Export Personal Data you can now manage requests for users, you want to have their data exported.

We will use this functionality integrated in our plugin when setting is enabled (see below)

Data Erase Requests

Under Tools > Erase Personal Data you can now manage requests for users, you want to have their data deleted.

We will use this functionality integrated in our plugin when setting is enabled (see below)

Our plugin uses WP Core Integrations

Of course this does not cover all features we offer in our plugin like “Contact DPO”, a nice Privacy Center page or the Cookie Popup. The core functions also do not allow to make requests from the fronted, only from the backend!

But we have implemented and will use WP core functionalities in our plugin (e.g. for the requests). What you need to do is to enable the use Wp Core Functions option in general settings. Then requests made will be saved within the new “tools” section.

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