WordPress GDPR Shortcodes

The following GDPR shortcodes are available. Please remove the SPACE right after the first bracket [

  • GDPR Privacy Center [ wordpress_gdpr_privacy_center]
  • Contact DPO Form [ wordpress_gdpr_contact_dpo]
  • Forget Me Form [ wordpress_gdpr_forget_me]
  • Request Data Form [ wordpress_gdpr_request_data]
  • Data Rectification Form [ wordpress_gdpr_data_rectification]
  • Accept Privacy Policy [ wordpress_gdpr_privacy_policy_accept]
  • Accept Terms & Conditions [ wordpress_gdpr_terms_conditions_accept]

9 thoughts on “WordPress GDPR Shortcodes

  1. Luuk says:


    I have a question regarding the forms used with the GDPR plug-in. The form is not exactly to my liking, so I would like to customize it, just a tiny bit.

    Unfortunately, I cannot find it in the plug-in, nor your website. I even tried to Google it, but, I still did not find a possible solution.

    I hope to find the solution through this comment. Thank you in advance!

    Kind Regards,


    • WeLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author WeLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      You can change the styling of the forms with some custom CSS 🙂

      Changing the translations of our GDPR script can be done by using the loco translate plugin.

  2. Simon says:

    Is there some guide how to setup the plugin step by step?
    I have a google tag manager, how can I setup consent for each pixel comes from the tag manager?

    • WeLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author WeLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Yes for sure! You can find a guide how to setup our GDPR plugin in documentation > getting started.

  3. Gareth says:

    I want to remove the First Name & Last Name field and add a custom field I’ve created. in the ‘Forget Me’ Section. Is this possible?

    • WeLaunch

      The Real Person!

      Author WeLaunch acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      Custom fields are currently not supported.

  4. Jair Garcia says:

    I would edit the phrase “I agree to the privacy policy and that my data will be stored for this GDPR request .” before to submit, is this possible? Thanks

    • Daniel Barenkamp

      The Real Person!

      Author Daniel Barenkamp acts as a real person and verified as not a bot.
      Passed all tests against spam bots. Anti-Spam by CleanTalk.

      You can use loco translate to change the text with ease 🙂

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